



2005.09-2009.07 天津师范大学经济学院(本科、经济学学士)

2009.09-2012.01 东北财经大学公共管理学院(研究生、经济学硕士)




2017.03-2019.12   上海财经大学上海发展研究院&自由贸易区研究院(师资博士后)

2019.12-2020.07   上海财经大学上海发展研究院&自由贸易区研究院(助理研究员)

2020.07-               爱发·体育(China)官方网站(副教授、硕士生导师)

2021.07-               中国社会科学院经济研究所(访问学者)







研究生:宏观经济学、Advanced Microeconomics





客座主编:《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

期刊匿名审稿人:《World Development》、《China & World Economy》、《Sustainable Cities and Society》、《Journal of Environmental Planning and Management》、《Growth & Change》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environment, Development and Sustainability》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Energy》、《Complexity》、《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》、《International Journal of Logistics》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Frontiers in Energy Research》、《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》、《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》、《华中农业大学学报》、《Plos One》、《Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies》、《Journal of University of Science and Technology of China



1.          Achieving urban resilience through smart cities? Evidence from China. Habitat International  2021FMS列表期刊)

2.          Environmental regulation and haze pollution: Neighbor-companion or Neighbor-beggar? Energy Policy 2021FMS列表期刊)

3.          Spatiotemporal evolution and spatial relevance of urban resilience: Evidence from cities of China. Growth and Change2021FMS列表期刊)

4.          What drives China’s export sophistication? A new perspective from the rise of minimum wages. China & World Economy forthcoming FMS列表期刊)

5.          Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Patterns and Driving Forces of Ecological Carrying Capacity in Urban High-Quality Development——An Empirical Analysis Based on Samples of 286 Cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021FMS列表期刊)

6.          A comparative study on the environmental and economic effects of a resource tax and carbon tax in China: Analysis based on the Computable General Equilibrium Model. Energy Policy 2021FMS列表期刊)

7.          How does knowledge seeking and knowledge generation promote green supply chain management? An empirical study from China. International Journal of Logistics 2021

8.          Spatial analysis of industrial green development and sustainable cities in the Yellow River Basin. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2021

9.          Decomposition analysis of PM2.5 emissions based on LMDI and Tapio decoupling model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021

10.      Analysis of China’s Industrial Green Development Efficiency and Driving Factors: Research Based on MGWR. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021

11.      Research on Spatiotemporal Differentiation and Influence Mechanism of Urban Resilience in China Based on MGWR Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021

12.      Analysis on the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of influencing factors affecting urbanization development based on the GTWR model. Complexity 2021

13.      Rule by law, Law-based governance, and housing prices: The case of China. Land 2021

14.      Non-linear effects of environmental regulation and innovation - Spatial interaction evidence from the Yangtze River Delta in China. Environmental Science and Policy2020FMS列表期刊)

15.      Do housing prices promote total factor productivity? Evidence from spatial panel data models in explaining the mediating role of population density. Land Use Policy 2020FMS列表期刊)

16.      How can Belt and Road countries contribute to glocal low-carbon development? Journal of Cleaner Production 2020FMS列表期刊)

17.      Coupling coordination degree measurement and spatiotemporal heterogeneity between economic development and ecological environment—Empirical evidence from tropical and subtropical regions of China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020FMS列表期刊,高被引论文)

18.      Evaluation of ecological city and analysis of obstacle factors under the background of high-quality development: Taking cities in the Yellow River Basin as examples. Ecological Indicators 2020

19.      Industrial structure, urban governance and haze pollution: Spatiotemporal evidence from China. Science of the Total Environment2020

20.      从理论与历史双重逻辑理解社会主义基本经济制度内涵. 《现代经济探讨》2020

21.      Do double-edged swords cut both ways? Housing inequality and haze pollution in Chinese Cities. Science of the Total Environment 2020

22.      Linking Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth through technological innovation and resource consumption: Analysis of Spatial interaction patterns of urban agglomerations. Ecological Indicators 2020

23.      An inverted-U impact of environmental regulations on carbon emissions in China's iron and steel industry: Mechanisms of synergy and innovation effects. Suatainability 2020

24.      What influences the effectiveness of green logistics policies? A grounded theory analysis. Science of the Total Environment 2020

25.      The non-linear effect of environmental regulation on haze pollution: Empirical evidence for 277 Chinese cities during 2002-2010. Journal of Environmental Management 2019FMS列表期刊)

26.      Spatiotemporal relationship between ecological environment and economic development in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. Tropical Conservation Science 2019

27.      City Size and Urban Labor Productivity in ChinaNew Evidence from Spatial City-level Panel Data Analysis. Economic Systems 2017FMS列表期刊)


1.        2020. 湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目)--环境规制及其影响研究:基于湖北“长江经济带”和“汉江生态经济带”的分析,负责人。

2.        2018. 上海市人民政府发展研究中心--上海市共有产权房制度完善研究,负责人。

3.        2018. 上海财经大学青年教师预研究项目--上海住房体系存在的问题与对策,负责人。

4.        2014. 上海财经大学研究生创新基金项目--我国现代化进程中的新型城镇化道路研究—基于城市化战略的社会成本效益分析, 负责人。

5.        2018. 上海市人民政府发展研究中心--上海自由贸易港产业发展研究,参与人。

6.        2017. 住房和城乡建设部--结合人口城镇化,推荐农民工和农民进城购房安居相关政策研究,参与人。

7.        2017—2019. 国家自然科学基金委员会与英国经济和社会研究理事会联合资助项目--中国城市发展的金融化趋势及金融风险,参与人。

8.        20162017. 住房和城乡建设部--新常态下房地产税收政策研究,参与人。

9.        20162019. 国家自然科学基金--中国城市住房供应模式变迁对居民住房选择行为的影响及经济社会效应,参与人。

10.    20152019. 国家社会科学基金青年项目--民间非正式金融组织借贷行为及借贷风险研究,参与人。



